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Convention Doll Options
2015 Convention Doll - Full Set Preorder
Judy Porter has offered to create a special limited edition doll for the convention! Say hello to Ginger!
The full set will come with eyes, wig, face-up, and a specially designed outfit by Mary West!
Girl Version
2015 Convention Doll - Full Set Preorder
Judy Porter has offered to create a special limited edition doll for the convention! Say hello to Ginger!
The full set will come with eyes, wig, face-up, and a specially designed outfit by Mary West!
Boy Version

Convention Souvenir Outfit
Mary West of Daydream Creations is creating a souvenir outfit for our Pirate theme! The outfit will be SD or MSD sized, with either a male or female option.
Female Option: Pirate blouse, breeches, overskirt, corset
Male Option: Pirate blouse, breeches, sash, vest
Please note that the image on our website is not the final image of the product, as the prototypes are still in production.
Female Option: Pirate blouse, breeches, overskirt, corset
Male Option: Pirate blouse, breeches, sash, vest
Please note that the image on our website is not the final image of the product, as the prototypes are still in production.

Program Book Advertisement
We'd like to show the con your awesomeness! Program book advertising includes either business card sized, half page, or a full page to show off your stuff!
Final image will be in black and white, and will need to be at least 300 dpi. Send your graphics to [email protected]
Final image will be in black and white, and will need to be at least 300 dpi. Send your graphics to [email protected]